Nyoma's Blog

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011


Masa remaja adalah masa di mana seseorang membentuk atau mulai membangun siapa dirinya atau jati dirinya.
Perbedaan masa kanak-kanak dengan masa remaja adalah:
a. Secara fisik anak remaja sudah mengalami beberapa perubahan hormonal misalkan munculnya hormon-hormon seksual yang membuat mereka itu menjadi makhluk atau menjadi manusia yang harus bergumul dengan gejolak seksualnya.
b. Mereka makin dewasa pola pikirnya bertambah abstrak, pola pikir ini membuat mereka mempertanyakan nilai-nilai yang mereka telah anut sebelumnya.
c. Para remaja juga mudah sekali mengikuti trend, mengikuti apa yang sedang 'in' di kalangan mereka. Dan mungkin sekali apa yang sedang 'in' atau trend itu tidak cocok dengan yang kita sukai akibatnya sering kali terjadi pertengkaran, membuat hubungan orang tua-anak sering kali tegang.
Yang dikatakan remaja, dipandang dari segi usia adalah anak usia sekitar 11 - 12 tahun hingga usia sekitar 20 tahun.
Sekurang-kurangnya ada 3 tahapan yang harus dilewati oleh seorang remaja:
1. Usia sekitar 12 - 14 tahun. Pada tahap ini pergumulan remaja biasanya berkaitan dengan penerimaan diri secara jasmaniah. Biasanya yang menjadi masalah adalah dia tidak menyukai bagian-bagian tubuhnya atau dia tidak bisa menerima dirinya apa adanya. Kegagalan untuk bisa menerima diri secara fisik, bisa membuahkan kekurangpercayaan diri.
2. Usia sekitar 15 - 18 tahun. Pada usia ini pergumulan remaja biasanya berkaitan dengan penerimaan lingkungan teman-temannya terhadap dirinya ini. Apakah teman-temannya bisa menerimanya sebagai seseorang yang masuk dalam kelompok mereka. Ini sering kali menjadi dilema buat kita sebagai orang tua, karena adakalanya kelompok anak akan memaksakan anak kita melakukan hal-hal yang kita tidak setujui. Nah kita harus berhati-hati dengan respons kita sebagai orang tua, adakalanya kita terlalu terburu-buru memisahkan anak dari lingkungannya sehingga anak itu tidak pernah benar-benar bergumul dengan tantangan yang ada di depannya atau ada anak yang justru kebalikannya terjun masuk ke dalam kelompoknya dan menanggalkan nilai-nilai supaya teman-teman bisa menerimanya.
3. Usia 19 tahun hingga 20 atau 21 tahun. Ini memang sudah tumpang tindih dengan tahapan dewasa awal, sebab memang transisinya masuk ke tahapan dewasa awal. Pergumulan remaja pada tahap ini berkisar pada kemampuan pribadinya membangun karier. Jadi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan menjadi pergumulannya adalah mampukah saya masuk ke sekolah tertentu, mampukah saya masuk ke jurusan yang saya inginkan. Atau kalau dia ingin bekerja, mampukah saya memulai pekerjaan saya, mampu tidak saya meniti karier saya. Pada tahap ini ada 2 kata yang perlu diperhatikan oleh para remaja yaitu :
a. kata kemampuan dan
b. kata kesempatan
Tidak semua orang mempunyai kemampuan yang sama dan tidak seorang pun mempunyai kesempatan yang sama.
Ada tiga kemungkinan penyebab yang membuat remaja akhirnya menemui jalan buntu, dia tidak tahu mau sekolah apa.
a. Adakalanya remaja mempunyai kemampuan yang terlalu besar, banyak beragam, nah dia mungkin mengalami kebingungan mau pilih yang mana.
b. Dia tidak menyadari dia bisa apa, dia tidak tahu dia mampu di mana, sebab yang dia tahu semuanya dia tidak suka dan semuanya dia tidak bisa.
c. Kasus yang ketiga, dia sebetulnya tahu dia bisa apa, tapi dia bisa itu bukan hal yang dia sukai, karena dia menganggap yang dia bisa itu hal yang tidak dihormati atau hal yang tidak begitu dihargai oleh masyarakat atau yang dia bisa itu tidak bisa menghasilkan uang dengan cepat.
Dalam hal ini bimbingan orang tua yang sangat penting, bukan sekolah atau guru tapi orang tua dari sejak anak masih jauh lebih muda, jauh lebih kecil orang tua sudah mulai memantulkan pada anak apa yang menjadi bakat dan kemampuan si anak.
Peran kita sebagai orang tua adalah:
a. Orang tua harus mengenal anaknya dengan baik, sehingga dia bisa melihat anaknya itu dengan tepat. Kemampuannya apa, bisanya apa kira-kira pengarahan seperti apa.
b. Orang tua mesti memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan anak, ini penting sekali sebab mustahil anak mendengar orang tua kalau hubungannya dengan orang tua tidak positif. Hubungan yang baik juga adalah wadah di mana anak lebih berani untuk mengemukakan pergumulannya, ketidakbahagiaannya, ketertekanannya, penderitaannya.
c. Si anak juga mesti mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan Tuhan, jadi bukan saja orang tua kenal anak dengan baik, orang tua dekat dengan anak, tapi si anak perlu dekat dengan Tuhan, itu bekal yang sangat penting sekali, tanpa itu tidak bisa maju.
Bagi remaja yang perlu dilakukan adalah:
a. Berdamai, berdamai pertama dengan keterbatasan fisik. Berdamai artinya terima fisikmu seperti itu memang terbatas tidak usah malu, tidak usah dilebih-lebihkan.
b. Berdamai dengan keterbatasan teman, artinya ada teman yang akan terima, ada teman yang tidak akan terima kamu, gara-gara kamu misalnya Minggu mau ke gereja kamu tidak bisa pergi dengan teman-teman, ada sebagian yang tidak menjadi temanmu dan terimalah itu tidak apa-apa.
c. Berdamai dengan keterbatasan kemampuan dan kesempatanmu.
Mazmur 139:16, "Mata-Mu melihat selagi aku bakal anak, dan dalam kitab-Mu semuanya tertulis hari-hari yang akan dibentuk, sebelum ada satu pun dari padanya." Firman Tuhan menegaskan kita dibentuk oleh Tuhan, dibuat oleh Tuhan, mata Tuhan melihat kita selagi kita bukan saja anak, waktu kita bakal anak belum menjadi anak. Firman Tuhan menegaskan Dialah yang menciptakan kita jadi Tuhan tidak membuat kesalahan. Mungkin tubuh kita tidak pas, mata kita, hidung kita, telinga kita tidak pas, mungkin juga kita tidak terlalu pas diterima teman-teman tapi ingat bahwa Tuhan tidak membuat kesalahan.
Mazmur 125:1, "Orang-orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan adalah seperti gunung Sion yang tidak goyang, yang tetap untuk selama-lamanya." Percayakan masa depanmu kepada Tuhan.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

love story., by Fikria

Chirping sound of birds began to wake in the morning cold Andre on Sunday. After washing his face with cool water then he made a warm cup of coffee to accompany reading the morning daily newspaper editions week. As usual he is always looking for some work in a job field. Andre who is familiar not have a steady job, he's just a little writer for the daily morning. When he has or makes a good writing then would he send it to the editor of the daily morning and get wages according to his work.
At night sometimes week to visit her boyfriend Andre Imel Employees living in housing that is not far from his home. Imel family are indeed included, in contrast to Andre who live in simplicity. But parents do not forbid their relationship Imel. Although from a family that was, but Imel not choosy friends. Therefore, Andre is very loving and willing to do anything for her boyfriend is happy.
In the evening arrived, time for dinner together between them. But when the dinner took place, nose dripping gore Imel issue.
At that time Andrew Imel worried but just saying if that's normal nosebleed. Hearing the concerns Andre reduced. One Sunday morning they were walking in the garden city but suddenly fainted Imel, then he was immediately taken Andrew to a nearby hospital. After review by a doctor, Imel sentenced to suffer brain cancer. It was advised by doctors to Imel, and said that his age will not be long anymore. "Doctor, I hope doctors do not tell this to my girlfriend who was waiting in front. Because I do not want him to be sad, "pleaded the doctor Imel.
After the doctor left the room, "how the Doctor, the state of my girlfriend?" Aske Andre.
"Oh ... you take it easy. Your girlfriend just fine. Only anemia or blood deficiency. Hence he is often tired and fainted, "The doctor answers on Andre.
"Then, what, Doctor?" Asked Irul more curious.
"Hm ... please let him rest for a few days and should not be disturbed once ya ..." advises doctors on Andre and went into the room.
The doctor requested that Imel steadfast and patient and a lot of praying for a miracle to come later and immediately asked to notify both parents about the disease that was in such misery. And also not to stop treatment to the brain cancer specialists.
Finally andre Imel drove back to his home by motorcycle. Up on the front porch, Imel said good night at Andre and told him to be careful on the road, so it is with Andre who gave the message that Imel plenty of rest.
On the evening after dinner with the family, Imel told that occur to her to her parents. Imel is the only child in the family, so naturally he was very loved by both parents. Hear what his son was delivered by both parents is very sad and worried, and immediately tried how can a speedy recovery for her son.
Imel has been a week since the treatment that is not known by Andre. Even when Andre phoned to ask about the circumstances, would have never picked up. sms from Andre was never returned. Until one day Imel called Andre to come to his house.
At home Imel, Andre welcome to come in and sit in the living room. Imel parents watched from the stairs. Imel also once told his parents to not give the disease to Andre until whenever.
With a face began to pale Imel asked Andre to listen to his words seriously. "Andre, I want you to stay away from me from now on ..." he said sadly.
"Why ,,,?" Andre asked curiously.
"I want to study abroad. My parents wanted me to live with someone who is successful. I hope you can try hard and come back to me with the success of your achievements ... "
Hearing that Andre feel upset with his situation. After Andre came home then Imel crying in the room and his parents were so sorry to see that happen to her child.
Arriving home, Andre was always moody and think of the sayings he has heard from Imel. It became a penyemangatnya after separation from Imel. He determined to try and be successful, after which he will be back to prove to parents Imel, if he is able to be successful.
Almost every day he was looking for a job, Daily Morning Newspaper coincidence that he send papers are often looking for people to become journalists stay. The start of his career to become a journalist, because of his persistent and satisfying then Andre was appointed managing editor in chief of the daily newspaper in the morning. But interest in writing did not fade, he began to make a novel about her life story that he raised a very interesting story. The novel that he has made and sells well-known across the country, even to Malaysia. The novel could also be read by Imel, he was glad Andre has started successfully. Now Andrew is no longer working at the daily morning as usual, now he has become famous and wealthy writer. However, what he has achieved now does not make him forget where he came from. He was not arrogant and always help people who cares.
On Sunday, as usual Andre went for a vacation home to his house in the village, but the weather is a bit cloudy, but do not be an obstacle because he brought the car. When his car passes in front of the house Imel, he only found the house was sealed and no longer inhabited. Incidentally Andre old house in the vicinity of the public cemetery, he saw both parents Imel walk away with a dull clothes and carrying a basket of flowers. He did not reply to what was once said to her first Imel. He would ask where both parents are. Feeling sorry for the parents Andrew Imel had forgotten their promise to not tell their children is real.
Imel Imel parents told me that brain cancer, and in fact he did not go to college out of the country but to go get treatment. He did not want to make Andre sad and she told him to keep the spirit of Andre and he was pleased with the success that has been Andre achieve.
"We have been trying to cure, all the property we are selling our children to be healed, but God willed the other," said Imel parents sadly.
After hearing what these parents have been delivered, Andre fell limp into silence. For a moment she imagined her smiling face Imel, imagine all the acts they had ever spent together. Then Andrew asks parents to drive her to the grave Imel Imel.
There pile of soil and tombstone bearing the name of Imelda Melanie. Andre looked at the photos on these graves, photos of smiling at him. Leaving a sad love story, make Andre tears fall for the many times, weeping for the departure of a lover he loves .***

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

english homework

Betty:Excuse me,is your name farid?
Farid: Yes,iam Farid,what is your name?
Betty: My name is Varalina Betty,tou can call me Betty.
Farid: nice to meet you,Betty.
Betty: Nice to meet you too,Farid, by the way,where do you live?
Farid: i live at 30 jl.Jayanegara.and you?
Betty: i live in 10 jl.Surya ok...see you Farid?
Farid: See you too.

     : Can you promise me not to lie anymore!
Johan : yes .... I promise not to mombohingiku again

thank you, answer
Neni: Gina thanks for coming in my party yesterday
gina: You are welcome neni.saya very happy to come to your party

Praise, answered
Sari: mother's cooking is the most delicious among all
Mother: thanks a lot sari

teacher: i want to tell you about confirmationteacher: Iwant to tell you about tomorrow's holiday on Monday due to the father or the mother of them know the teacher meeting.ask  given to other friends.
: .... ok sir, thanks for you inform